Thursday, 1 November 2012

Building Update

So far there is still no word from the Management Company or Zolfo the administrators for Alexandra Tower as to when (if it is indeed safe) for the scaffolding to be taken down after the glass panel fell to the ground two years ago. Nor is there any word whether the car park lifts will be rectified once and for all, or indeed is there any word as to when the windows will ever get cleaned?

“Different day same old shit” should be Zolfo Cooper’s tag line

Pretty much two years to the week Zolfo blamed the last management company and instructed a new one in Braemar Estates and Zolfo (who control the money) gave their word that “whatever needs to be done will be done” and “if the car lifts need replacing then it will happen”.

Now I’m not one to call someone a liar but I am a person who (if required) will tell it like it is so Mr P from Zolfo, you know the conversation we had and you know what you said and everything you said would happen, hasn’t? You are clearly not a man of your word.

It is clear you are effectively happy to let the building suffer and instead of fixing problems (like the car lifts) that affect peoples lives in the form of missing work, business meetings, flights, picking kids up from school etc, etc, you are happy to let the revolving door recruitment policy of new tenants continue until you get tenants with such low expectations, they don’t give a crap about the problems.

1 comment:

  1. Obvious question, now that Braemar have been announced again is it still worth avoiding this building? windows and car-lift still an issue etc as back at the start of the year you were reporting with alarming frequency?
