Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Carlift Outage - 21/10/2009

Its been a year since the first residents moved into this building and yet the car lift is still suffering regular outages, and today both car lifts are inoperable yet again.

If you have parking at Alexandra Tower, Princes Dock, Liverpool, and the lifts are not working (a weekly event) then in addition to being late for whatever or wherever you are meant to be (for most, work) then you are denied the use of your car, and have the added expense of alternative transport, usually a taxi to reduce the delay to your day any further.

As a long term resident, on average £50+ is spent on taxi's per month, just to provide alternative transport when the lifts break.

Over the last 3 weeks I have talked to a small (but likely growing) number of people that are so fed up, that they are moving out of Alexandra Tower.

I wonder if the management company will now take note? Unlikely, it has been a year and still no movement. Yes, Otis come out and install new software, or a new motor, but after 52 weeks + the problem is no better. In fact, you could say its worse now as instead of the lifts affecting 25% occupancy the building is now 75% and therefore affects 3 times as many people.

Surely a reason not to move into the building in the first place if I were now considering this building? Not sure if City Residential are obliged to inform any people enquiring to move here about the problems, but will look into it and update as and when.


  1. The situation with the carlift is disgusting.
    I am only staying in the apartments temporarily while working in Liverpool but be honest I'm glad my stay is short term.
    The apartments in themselves are nice and I'm enjoying being in Liverpool.
    But everytime I'm late for work again due to waiting for the lift or actually being stuck inside it (20mins in the dark last time)I just cant wait to leave.
    If City Residential or Thomas Molton dont pull their fingers out I couldn't blame people leaving.
    My advice to anyone with a car anyone with a car is to stay well clear of Alexandra Tower!

  2. so has anyone refused to pay the rent until they take note?

    they will only sit up and take notice when a significant proportion of the residents population here refuse to accept the current situation. as long as we moan politely they will point out that they have financial difficulties etc etc

    personally we should organise a petition ....

  3. Personally my advice would be for owner occupiers, landlords and tenants to all work together.

    A reasonable solution would be for the landlords/owner occupiers whom have car parking withholding the 'service charge' payable to Thomas Molton until the issue is resolved once and for all, and not just another temp fix.

    This would deny Thomas Molton several thousand pounds per month, which would force any organization to sit up and take note.

    Owner occupiers and tenants are affected by denial of use of their cars, added expense in alternative transport arrangements and lost business for self employed or issues with their employers.

    Landlords are affected by having their investment mis-managed and undervalued in an already difficult economic climate and possible further loss by there coming a time when no more tenants want to move in, for all the problems there are!

  4. It is "normal" to do preventative maintenance rather than wait for something to break down. The simplest type of preventative maintenance is LLF - look, listen and feel. If Otis turned up and rode the lift once a week, checking the doors at each floor, listening for unusual sounds, vibration etc. then they could fix many of the issues before they turn into problems (for the residents).
