Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Car Lift Outage - 27/10/2009

Like clockwork and on time to maintain its weekly outage status, the left hand lift (from street level perspective) is currently down!

Its only been 6 days since the last outage and during those six days both lifts have not exactly been fault free. If you are on any carpark floor other than the 1st you will know how frustating the problem is and how time consuming it is to wait and then use the lifts (or should I say 'lift').

The problem is that if you are on say the 4th level and you call up the lif and its not broken, when you get into it the lift then makes a stop at level 3, level 2, and level 1 on the way down to ground. If you are one of those people waiting to get out at level 3, level 2, and level 1 seeing this, you will (like the person in the lift) be somewhat put out at the wasted time.

Also, has anybody noticed that if the lift is in use, you cannot (like any other lift in the world) maintain your position in a queue. I know we Brits love to queue but its the fact that you have to repeatedly sit there pushing the call button on the fob every other minute or so until the lift has finished and you can call it? Why no queuing system?

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