Tuesday, 27 October 2009

.....Horrid smell of sewage at Alexandra Tower Liverpool - Passenger Lift

Has anyone else noticed the horrid smell of sewage and drains in the passenger lift without the removal padding? Its vile and at times embarrassing if you have guests coming into the building and commenting on the smell.

Apparently the management company know about it but its been there for months (on and off) so likely not a priority, just like the comfort of the residents it seems!

Car Lift Outage - 27/10/2009

Like clockwork and on time to maintain its weekly outage status, the left hand lift (from street level perspective) is currently down!

Its only been 6 days since the last outage and during those six days both lifts have not exactly been fault free. If you are on any carpark floor other than the 1st you will know how frustating the problem is and how time consuming it is to wait and then use the lifts (or should I say 'lift').

The problem is that if you are on say the 4th level and you call up the lif and its not broken, when you get into it the lift then makes a stop at level 3, level 2, and level 1 on the way down to ground. If you are one of those people waiting to get out at level 3, level 2, and level 1 seeing this, you will (like the person in the lift) be somewhat put out at the wasted time.

Also, has anybody noticed that if the lift is in use, you cannot (like any other lift in the world) maintain your position in a queue. I know we Brits love to queue but its the fact that you have to repeatedly sit there pushing the call button on the fob every other minute or so until the lift has finished and you can call it? Why no queuing system?

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Carlift Outage - 21/10/2009

Its been a year since the first residents moved into this building and yet the car lift is still suffering regular outages, and today both car lifts are inoperable yet again.

If you have parking at Alexandra Tower, Princes Dock, Liverpool, and the lifts are not working (a weekly event) then in addition to being late for whatever or wherever you are meant to be (for most, work) then you are denied the use of your car, and have the added expense of alternative transport, usually a taxi to reduce the delay to your day any further.

As a long term resident, on average £50+ is spent on taxi's per month, just to provide alternative transport when the lifts break.

Over the last 3 weeks I have talked to a small (but likely growing) number of people that are so fed up, that they are moving out of Alexandra Tower.

I wonder if the management company will now take note? Unlikely, it has been a year and still no movement. Yes, Otis come out and install new software, or a new motor, but after 52 weeks + the problem is no better. In fact, you could say its worse now as instead of the lifts affecting 25% occupancy the building is now 75% and therefore affects 3 times as many people.

Surely a reason not to move into the building in the first place if I were now considering this building? Not sure if City Residential are obliged to inform any people enquiring to move here about the problems, but will look into it and update as and when.

Alexandra Tower - Ongoing Problems

Whilst the main issue at present seems to be the car lift, (and please post your comments on that), use this post to notify me of any other issues that you maybe experiencing and I can then post another category on that subject to get everyones response on any other issues.

I have started a dialogue with the management company and should be feel it useful, I have alerted the management company (Thompson Moulton), who are part of Sutton Kersch, about the feelings of many of the residents and the desire to arrange a Residents Meeting with all parties concerned.

At present there are several interested parties with their own agendas and at times it can be very frustrating for the residents in trying to get a) answers, and b) an outcome to the problems. As such, the bank and the reciever's interests may not lie directly with the residents and so in short, they should be made aware of the residents wishes and feelings (hence this forum).

Taking the car lift as an example, there is the original installer, the manufacturer, Otis who now manage the ongoing maintainance, the bank Barclays, the management company, the recievers who handled Millenium Estates liquidation, and the residents.

With the car lift, thats 7 parties with an interest and their own agenda, yet its the residents, and not any other party that has to directly put up with the problems and the fall out from them.

Passanger Lift - Misuse

Whilst the car lift is a major long standing issue, the management company and Otis have commented that residents and/or guests of residents are misusing the lift. This is usually late at night and usually involving alcohol.

To provide a bit of balance to the forum and in an attempt to outline the problem (if it exists at alleged) then we have a duty to ensure that funds (which are limited) are not being unnecessarily used to fix the passenger lifts by damage caused by residents or their guests, which is in effect criminal damage.

Any money spent on calling Otis to fix the passenger lift for misuse, which is not covered in the maintanence agreement is less money to fix other problems. However, not for one minute are ALL passenger lift breakdowns down to this so just keep it in mind and be vigilant.

.....QM2 - Liverpool Visit - Poor View from building?

Whilst the visit yesterday of the QM2 (Queen Mary 2) was a delight for the city, and crowds into the thousands, for those living in Alexandra Tower, Princes Dock, the view from the apartments was not quite the 'river view' we have been expecting of a 'prestigious' building on the waterfront.

Since the building was occupied circa Sep 2008, it may come as a surprise to many, (not the residents however) that the featured, floor to ceiling windows have not once been cleaned. The net results is that, those with river views from the end of the building opposite to the car par, and directly facing the river, a build up of sand, and dirt has collected, thereby obscuring the view, which for many, was one of the main reasons for moving into the building.

The hoist that operates the window cleaning mechanism is German made and as such, needs work doing to it to make it operable and safe for cleaners to use. Then, a cleaning company need to be appointed, and have staff adequately trained to in health and safety and to use the hoist.

The cost of this has been estimated at up to £15,000 and between the building management company (Thompson and Moulton), the receivers, and the bank(Barclays), this is not deemed to be high on their agenda.